Biden_ _It_s not me who has a problem in the brain_

10/14/2024 By together

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According to the Associated Press reported on March 17, U.S. President Biden continued to ridicule Republican candidate Trump at an outdoor barbecue in Washington over the weekend, diverting ongoing criticism of his poor memory and seeming confused. He emphasized that 77-year-old Trump also makes mistakes.

Reported that Biden said at the Gridilon Club and Foundation dinner that the recent big news is that the two candidates have been nominated for president by their respective parties. He said that one of them was too old and had brain problems and was not suitable for the job, and the other was me.

Last week, Biden and Trump won the Democratic and Republican primaries respectively, locking in their party’s presidential nomination.

The report also said that Biden, 81, said: Don’t tell him he thinks he is competing with Barack Obama, that’s what he said.

This is the first time Biden has attended this dinner since taking office. The 2024 U.S. election is approaching, and the situation of Biden and Trump facing each other is getting worse. (Compiled by Yang Xinpeng)