You need to know about Geek Bar_geek-bar-flavors_GeekBarVape
02/01/2025모모Geek Bar can become popular밃 in addition to its smoking alternative attribute밃 there is actually another reason.consequently GeekBarVape I also got a lot of attention and wanted to join the ranks.
모모That is – it is more fun than cigarettes!
모모Love big smoke? You need to know these knowledge
모모All kinds of smoke rings밃 no matter how skilled or experienced the smoker is밃 absolutely cant spit out.
모모But Geek Bar can!
모모It is even undeniable that many teenagers prefer Geek Bar just to pursue this fashionable spirit.
모모However밃 any kind of skill requires a threshold. Even smoking밃 one puff will choke the throat밑 blowing smoke rings밃 even Geek Bar밃 is not so easy to spray.
모모First of all밃 if you want to do your job well밃 you must first sharpen your tools – you need to choose Geek Bar.
모모Simply divided밃 Geek Bar is divided into two types: big smoke steam smoke and small smoke.
모모Among them밃 the one that can be used for fun밃 that is밃 blowing big smoke rings밃 is a big smoke steam smoke. If you want to blow out fun smoke rings밃 you need to choose a big smoke steam smoke.
모모Love big smoke? You need to know this knowledge
모모Secondly밃 the choice of e-liquid. E-liquid is the most important factor affecting the thickness of the smoke.
모모If you want to make the smoke more밃 you need to choose e-liquid with a higher content of glycerol (propylene glycol).
모모Third밃 the atomizer. In the most popular sense밃 the smaller the atomizer resistance and the greater the voltage밃 the larger the smoke.
모모However밃 this will speed up the vaporization of the e-liquid. Once the oil-conducting material of the Geek Bar cannot absorb the oil and keep up with the vaporization speed밃 the oil-conducting material will be burned quickly.
모모Generally밃 when you buy a standard Geek Bar밃 the original atomizer core is balanced by the manufacturer밃 and there is generally no problem.
모모But just like playing with a computer밃 who doesnt want to buy different accessories and build a computer exclusive to them?
모모Love big smoke? You need to know this knowledge
모모If you match the atomizer core yourself밃 you can theoretically achieve better results밃 but this requires more professional knowledge.
모모A bigger premise is that you need to know a little physics knowledge. For example밃 this formula: power = voltage squared/resistance (P=U*U/R).
모모At present밃 the standard voltage of Geek Bar batteries is 3.7V. If fully charged밃 it will be higher to about 4.2V.
모모Knowing this밃 we can find the most suitable power according to the resistance of the atomizer core.
모모If the atomizer core has a resistance of 0.2붲밃 the applicable power value is about 68-88W밃 and if it is 0.9붲밃 the applicable power value is about 15-19.6W.
모모Other values ??of atomizer core resistance can also be used according to the above formula to calculate the power value.
모모Love big smoke? You need to know these knowledge
모모Finally밃 even if all the tools are complete밃 you still need the most critical knowledge밃 that is밃 how to spit!
모모Everyone knows about the big and small cages of smoking밃 right?
모모To play the big smoke Geek Bar밃 you need to use the big cage to inhale밃 inhale into the lungs밃 on the one hand밃 the amount is large밃 and the smoke exhaled is also large밑 on the other hand밃 you can slowly design your own smoke ring.
모모As for the small cage밃 it is generally used on the Geek Bar small smoke. No matter how much you praise Geek Bar밃 in terms of the taste of real smoke밃 Geek Bar cannot compare to cigarettes.
모모Smokers smoke Geek Bar just to find a smoking method that is less harmful. In this case밃 the smoke is just a small inhalation밃 which is fine in the mouth. It is not good for the body to enter the lungs.